Sunday, September 9, 2007

Some things I plan to make

After I'm done with the rug behemoth (I really love the back of it), I'm going to make another pair of socks for my mom, and I'm going to get some yarn and make myself a Juliet sweater.

back of crochet rug pic

Those ovals remind me of the braided rugs I used to see all the time. I guess they've gone out of fashion, but I love them. I once saw one with burgundy worked in, one of my favorite colors.

Juliet sweater pic Baby Georgia Blue and White Knit Dress
Taos Ripple Sweater PicVia Diagonale purse pic

The Juliet sweater from Interweave Knits Summer 2004. Here's a picture of it from Knitting Goddess #9 at

Here's another few pics of it from BogieBogie's Flickr site: and

The V-neck picture of the sweater without the sleeves is the one that gave me the Juliet Love. I ordered a copy of the pattern from Interweave Knits, and have to see if they have a suggestion for yarn substitution.

I haven't decided on bead color or yarn color yet, but fuschia, burgundy, marine blue, or navy blue would be nice, or maybe even black. I plan to pair it with pearl type beads or gold beads, whichever is available.

I haven't decided on a pattern for my mom's socks yet, but I have a few I'm considering. I already bought the yarn, Violet in Lion's Cotton Ease.

Baby Georgia Chick Dress from Straw Into Gold/Crystal Palace Yarns.
Problem 1: No one I know is having a baby.
Problem 2: If they were, it'd be just my luck that it would be a boy.

Maybe I can make it as a charity knit.

The Sueet Suede Bag on I love this bag. I've been thinking about doing a knit purse as my next project before the sweater for several reasons. It uses less yarn, it will knit up faster and last but not least, I need a bigger purse. Maybe if I make it myself I won't spend as much. Liner instructions from The Garter Belt, just in case:

The second possible bag choice is also from Knitty: Via Diagonale purse by Wendy Wonnacott. The way she did the blue and black purse, it all just pops. I love it, and I think it's probably easier than it looks.

And if I have to pay for another sweater pattern, I pick this one:

Not on these Needles - Stuff I Don't Have the Inclination to make Myself

One of the prettiest shawls I've ever seen, and from the picture alone, it looks like it's too fine a work to have been handknitted. I'd be a gazillion years old before I'd finish that one. I don't see my Knitting Olympics inspiration lasting that long.

Taos Ripple Sweater from Straw Into Gold/Crystal Palace Yarns. I just saw this one today. Can you say love the colors? I probably would never make this sweater, but it reminds me of a blue mock turtleneck I like to wear.

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